Saturday, 27 April 2019

Corporate Arms: District Councils 1973-1996: Strathclyde Region

City of Glasgow District Council (vol 59 fol 3)

Argent on a mount in base Vert an oak tree proper, the stem at the base thereof surmounted by a salmon on its back also proper with a ring in its mouth Or, on the top of the tree a redbreast and in the sinister fess point an ancient hand bell both also proper.
Crest: The half-length figure of St Kentigern affrontée vested and mitred his right hand raised in the act of benediction and having in his left hand a crozier all proper.

Supporters: two salmon proper each holding in its mouth a signet ring Or.


Argyll and Bute (vol 59 fol 54)

Parted per fess and in chief per pale: 1st, gyronny of eight Or and Sable; 2nd, Or, a wing displayed Gules, claw membered Sable, grasping a sword in pale Azure, hilted and pommelled Argent and environed of an antique crown also Gules; in base Or, a lymphad, oars in action, sails furled Sable, at the masthead a beacon enflamed Gules; over all a bar chequy Azure and Argent.

Bearsden and Milngavie (vol 59 fol 47)

Per pale: dexter, per bend Gules and Sable a bear's head couped Argent, langued ofthe First, muzzled Azure; sinister, quarterly of the Third and Second a cross moline, square pierced of the field and divided per cross of the First and Or; on a chief enarched per pale of the Last and Third a bar wavy of the Fourth, over all at the middle chief a rose of the First, barbed and seeded Proper.


Clydebank (vol 59 fol 33)

Argent, a saltire Gules, in chief a cog-wheel Sable, in fess dexter a demi-figure of Saint Patrick Proper, in fess sinister a representation of part of the Antonine Wall Proper, and in base, upon the waves of the sea, a lymphad, sails furled, oars in action of the Third, flagged of the Second.


Cumbernauld and Kilsyth (formerly Cumbernauld) (vol 59 fol 36)

Azure on a saltire Argent cantoned between in chief a bull 's head cabossed Argent armed Or, in base a plate fimbriated Or and charged with two barrulets wavy Azure, in the dexter flank two shuttles in saltire Or, garnished with thread Argent, and in sinister flank a miner's lamp Argent, enflamed Proper, an open Bible Proper, binding and fore-edges Gules.


Cumnock and Doon Valley (vol 59 fol 18)

Per fess wavy, a barrulet wavy azure, in chief per pale Gules and Argent a demi-lion rampant
issuant counterchanged Argent and Azure, in base Or, on a mound Vert, a pine tree fructed proper
between, dexter a lozenge Sable and sinister a garb Gules banded Argent; all within a bordure
per pale Argent and Gules charged with eight roses counter-changed,
barbed and seed Vert.


Cunninghame (vol 59 fol 62)

Argent, a shakefork Sable cantoned between in chief a leopard's head affrontee holding in its mouth a weaver's shuttle Proper, in the dexter flank on an imperial crown Or a lion sejant affrontee Azure imperially crowned Gold holding in his dexter paw a sword and in his sinister a sceptre both Proper, and in the sinister flank a lymphad Gules, mast, rigg­ing and sails furled Proper, flagged Or.


Dumbarton (vol 59 fol 62)

Azure, an elephant statant Argent, tusked Or, charged on the forehead with a crescent Gules, bearing on his back a tower Proper.

East Kilbride (vol 59 fol 23)

Per fess, in chief Gules and in base per pale Or and Vert, a cross flory of the Second between two mullets Argent in chief and an oystercatcher bird Proper in base; a chief chequy per pale, dexter, Argent and Azure, sinister, Argent and Sable; all within a bordure Gules.

Eastwood (vol 59 fol 38)

Argent, issuant from a mount in base, a wood of oak trees fructed Proper, charged with an eastern crown Or; on a chief wavy Azure, on a pale of the First a saltire Sable charged in the centre with a hedgehog of the Second, in dexter chief a fleur-de­ lis of the Last, and in sinister chief a cross-crosslet fitchee issuant from a crescent of the First.


(vol 59 fol 30)

Gules, a fess embattled and enarched Argent, masoned Sable, between three cinquefoils pierced of the Second.


Inverclyde (vol 59 fol 50)

Or, on a base barry wavy Azure and Argent, a three-masted ship in full sail Proper, having for figurehead a lion rampant Gules, flying from the foremast and mizzenmast a streamer Gules, and from the main mast and jackstaff the banner of Scotland viz., Azure, a saltire Argent; in chief between two mullets of six points Sable pierced of the field, a hurt charged with a covered cup of the First.


Kilmarnock and Loudoun (vol 59 fol 6)

Per fess Purpure and gyronny of eight Argent and Gules, a fess chequy Or and Vert, in chief a squirrel sejant alert Proper.


Kyle and Carrick (Vol 59 fol 42)

Per pale Or and Argent: dexter, issuant from a fess chequy Azure and Argent a demi-lion rampant Gules; sinister, a chevron of the Last.


 Lanark: renamed Clydesale 1980  (vol 59 fol 31)

Tierced in pairle reversed: 1st, Or, an eagle with two heads displayed Sable, armed and membered Gules, holding in his dexter claw an ancient hand bell Proper; 2nd, Gules, a goat's head erased Argent, armed Or; 3rd, Argent, a man's heart Gules, imperially crowned Proper.


Monklands (vol 59 fol 25)

Per fess wavy, in chief per pale Or and Sable, and in base Gules: 1st, a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, beaked and membered Gules, in chief a crescent between two spur rowels Vert; 2nd, a tower Argent masoned Sable, windows and port Gules, from the battlements flames issuant Proper; 3rd, between two cinquefoils Argent pierced of the field the figure of a Cistercian monk affrontee habited Proper.


(vol 59 fol 47)

Per fess Gules and Sable, in chief two cinquefoils Ermine and in base a well Proper.


(vol 59 fol 56)

Azure, a lymphad, sails furled Argent, on a shield Or pendant from the mast a fess chequy of the First and Second.

Strathkelvin (originally named Bishopbriggs and Kirkintilloch) (vol 59 fol 28)

Per pale: dexter per fess Sable and bendy Or and Vert, in chief an episcopal mitra pretiosa of the Second stoned and jewelled Proper; sinister, Azure, a wall towered and embattled Argent, in the port Sable a portcullis Or, standing upon a mount Proper, in chief three stars of five points Or; over all on a chief Argent a barrulet wavy Azure.