Thursday, 18 April 2019

Holy Week Heraldry

This evening, Maundy Thursday, the liturgy includes the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet. An Indian archbishop, Archbishop Antony Anandarayarof Pondicherry includes an image of this in his arms:

Before we all throw our hands up in pious horror at such pictorial heraldry, we might remember that a great deal of town and burgh heraldry began as devotional images which somehow metamorphosed into the formal discipline of heraldry.

Here are arms suitable for Good Friday, of the old Royal Burgh of Inverness, granted in 1900 at the insistence of the good burghers:

There was an early 17th century version of the Inverness arms which used the dromedary as the charge with two elephant supporters and the on dit is Lyon Paul would have preferred that but the Gules, Our Lord upon the Cross Proper which the burghers were convinced were the ancient arms of the Burgh was retained.