Monday 5 August 2019

Convenery of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh

I had the privilege this evening of presenting, on Lyon's behalf, the new matriculation of Arms to the Convenery of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh. The story is quite interesting and the blazon long but the logic is sound and the result was arrived at by extensive consultation with one of our HSS members, the distnguished historian, Henry Fothringham.

The Convenery was granted arms in 1977 as follows:

However, this shield omits the Incorporation of Candlemakers which the Convenery was keen to recognize, nor does it follow the order of seniority of the Crafts. The Convenery took the opportunity when petitioning for these alterations to ask for supporters and for a castle more closely resembling the French chateau-style, perspective drawing which features on the Convenery's seal of cause.

The end result is given below with its blazon and is a very fine work of art by our member, Yvonne Holton, Herald Painter and Dingwall Pursuivant.

Argent, on a rock a castle of five round towers Proper, windows and port and pennons flying Gules the towers linked by walls machiocholated and ending in two towers from each of which is issuant a demi-lady Proper vested Gules each holding in her exterior hand an olive branch downwards and in her interior hand a pennoned staff Proper, on a bordure of fifteen compartments (1) for the Furriers, Gules, an ermine spot Argent; (2) for the Goldsmiths, Azure, a standing mazer Argent; (3) for the Surgeons, Argent, a bone saw Gules; (4) for the Skinners, Azure, a stag’s head erased Argent; (5) for the Hammermen, Gules, an engineer’s hammer in pale head uppermost Argent; (6) for the Masons, Argent, a stone-mason’s mallet in pale handle uppermost Gules; (7) for the Baxters, Azure a baker’s peal in bend blade uppermost Argent charged with three mainshots Proper; (8) for the Cordiners, Gules, their Crispin knife in pale blade uppermost Argent; (9) for the Waulkers, Argent, a forearm in pale palm extended Gules; (10) for the Candlemakers, Azure, a dove volant Argent in the beak a bough of olive Or; (11) for the Bonnetmakers and Dyers, Gules, a bonnet Argent; (12) for the Weavers, Argent, a leopard’s mask holding in the mouth a shuttle Gules; (13) for the Fleshers, Gules, a cow’s head erased Argent; (14) for the Tailors, Azure, a pair of scissors expanded in pale points uppermost Argent; (15) for the Wrights, Argent, a square and compass Gules. Above the Shield is placed an helmet suitable to an Incorporation (videlicet: a sallet Proper lined Gules) with a Mantling Gules doubled Argent and on a Wreath of the Liveries is set for Crest the sun in splendour Or and in an Escrol over the same this Motto “MATERIAM SUPERABAT OPUS”. On a compartment below the shield Vert strewn with fifteen stars Or and bearing on an Escrol this motto “WE THAT IS TRADDS” are set for supporters dexter a representation of Mary Magdalene Proper habited Vert caped Gules with a morse Or at the throat, at her feet an alabaster jar Proper and sinister the hind of St Giles Proper langued Or, each bearing on a staff over the exterior shoulder the Blue Blanket Proper.

(The seniority begins in the top centre and then alternates left and right until the two at the bottom.)