Sunday 20 August 2023

Lund Sweden

 Meanwhile in another part of the wood, Team Scotland was in Lund, Sweden at the XXIInd Colloquium of the International Academy of Heraldry in Lund, Sweden, where the theme was "Heraldry and the Law."

Elizabeth Roads AIH, LVO, OStJ, formerly Snawdoun Herald, was awarded the rare honour of Honorary Membership of the Swedish Heraldry Society in honour of her immense contribution to international heraldry.

Linlithgow Pursuivant Extraordinary, Professor Gillian Black gave a paper on "Succession to Arms."

Huw Sherrard, a Committee Member of the HSS, gave a paper on the legacy of Sir Thomas of Learney:

Another Committee-Member, Ross McEwen, gave a paper on the Succession of Chiefs.

Bruce Durie gave a paper on changes to Heraldic Law 1971-2017.